Interceding for your husband with your words and actions

Is there an area in your husband’s life that you want the Lord to work in? Me too…

But more importantly, the Lord wants to do a work in US. In order to be obedient to the Word and ways of God, we must ask God to change our heart to step into this role appropriately and to be under properly Godly order. The word says in Titus 2:5 we are to be the keepers of the home. The Greek word used here is oikouros. This is a compound word from oikos- the house, household, family; and ouros- a guard, be “ware”, guardian, a watcher, a warden.

God works in our spouse’s life as He does in our own, on HIS timing, not ours. Here is what the Lord showed me we are to do in the meantime. Remember, we are ALL a work in progress on this journey of sanctification.

We are to pray and intercede for them. Speak life. Be his biggest cheerleader. Speak on and compliment his strengths, then complement his weaknesses. (Proverbs 14:1)

COMPLIMENT: Speak life and speak to who God created him to be. Provide encouragement, praise, and honor. Build him up in his strengths.

COMPLEMENT: where he has a weakness you have a strength, cover that flaw with love and action. Realize God purposely made him different than you; that’s not a con. Don’t criticize or tear down because of his weakness. Bring these things to God to work on, as there is God’s strength in our weakness.

YOU, as his wife, are supposed to be the change you want to see- Jesus through YOU. The enemy can get us into our own emotions and feelings causing is to partner with the enemy (the accuser of the brethren), instead of God (the speaker of truth, grace, love, and mercy). This leads into another issue, and disorder in marriage- disrespect. This brings us to Ephesians 5:33 (NIV). “However, each one of you also must love his wife as he loves himself, and the wife must respect her husband.” When we do not respect our husband, we are not operating in obedience to Christ, and we are out of order. This means, we are in rebellion and in direct opposition to God. When we are in direct opposition to God and His ways, we are actually working AGAINST Him, not with Him. How can we expect God to answer our prayers to work in our husband when we are not partnering WITH Him?

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