Welcome, I’m Alexa! I reside in South Carolina with my family. I am originally a West Virginia native but have lived in North Carolina since 2013. With the leading of the Holy Spirit, I recently walked away from my corporate career to pursue my calling at home as a wife and mother full time without the distractions of a 9-5 job. My husband and I got married in the midst of covid in May of 2020. Since then, we’ve celebrated two years of marriage, bought our dream home, welcomed our daughter into the world, sold our dream home, downsized, moved across state lines, and went from two incomes to one. We will be welcoming our second child in the fall! Needless to say, the Lord is doing a big work in us with many transitions. In this transition, the Lord is showing me His true pattern for womanhood. The proverbs 31 woman inspires me and it’s my goal to be more like her. I feel led to share my journey “diary style” in the areas of marriage, motherhood, health/fitness, food, and finances/frugality.