Truth only…
I once heard a quote from the pastor Jimmy Evans that went something like this. “Truth without grace is mean. Grace without truth is meaningless. Grace AND truth are medicine.” Knowing we are LOVED makes the truth BEARABLE. If we give ONLY truth without any love or grace, it will NOT be received. God IS Love, Grace, Mercy AND Truth. They cannot be separated.
Growing up, I didn’t truly know or understand the love or grace of God. I only knew and heard TRUTH. It came across as rules, regulations, and condemnation instead of as a person. The perfect religion vs relationship example. I also have a front row seat to what religion, legalism, and condemnation does to a person; it’s not the way.
The problem is, people choose one or the other. They decide to speak truth (as they should) or they only want to give love and grace while totally foregoing the truth. Both approaches are wrong. In the example of the woman caught in adultery, in John 8:11, Jesus said asked the woman who was able to condemn her. “No one, sir,” she said. “Then neither do I condemn you,” Jesus declared. “Go now and leave your life of sin.” See there? Grace first, then truth….. The order is important.
If you just give truth without any love, grace, or mercy it will likely fall on deaf ears and won’t be received. We are truly in a time where I do believe it is CRUCIAL that the church stands up for truth, but we need to make sure we are still being Christlike. People are being biblical, but not Christlike. Ouch. Romans 2:3-4 says it is God’s KINDNESS that leads us to repentance. It sure did for me.
I was the person who was surrounded with “don’t do that, you’re going to hell.” “You are sinning.” I do get the heart posture behind this was right; they didn’t want me to be eternally separated from God. But, I didn’t see or feel the LOVE or KINDNESS of God that truly leads to transformation. I didn’t MEET the person of Jesus through this. We cannot save anyone; only God can do that. However, we can be ambassadors for Christ and plant seeds that God will be faithful to water.
I am seeing a lot of the church stand up for truth; which is AMAZING and we should. The problem is, people who don’t believe or follow Jesus don’t have the Holy Spirit. Their eyes are spiritually blind right now. Us spewing the truth without demonstrating the love or grace of God won’t do anything. They will see religion, instead of the face of Jesus. I know because I personally got convicted of this; so please don’t think I believe I’m perfect in this because I’ve made this mistake myself.
After the overturn of Roe Vs Wade I saw a video circulate that truly broke my heart. This woman said she would fight with us for our religious freedom, but that she didn’t care what the Bible says or what God says and that she wanted to do what she wants to do. God never forces His will on us. We always have a choice. It wasn’t the fact that she didn’t think like me, but the fact that she didn’t know Christ and her heart was so closed off to Him.
I wondered what we, as the church, were doing wrong. I asked God what we could do better, and this is the impression I got. So many people are only demonstrating truth and religion. These people, who eyes are spiritually blinded, have never had an encounter with the person and character of Jesus. So I believe God is asking us to show them the love of Jesus so that their hearts can be OPEN for them to receive. This DOESN’T mean we shy away from the truth, but we cannot exclude one from the other.
If people truly encountered Him; saw love, grace, mercy, truth, good fruit, signs and miracles would they believe? Is it possible they have known religion for so long, instead of Jesus, and poor fruit that’s why they don’t want anything to do with Jesus? Also, does the MAJORITY of the church actually look different from the world? No, they don’t. The church looks just like the world, so why would the world think they need Jesus? The church as a majority says they can do whatever because of grace, but don’t realize they have lost their saltiness and their ability to witness. Yes, we are saved by grace, but without true repentance one is on a slippery slope. I know that Satan can blind and deceive people; but GOD IS BIGGER AND STRONGER.
I know we are only humans. It is IMPOSSIBLE for us to be just like Jesus on this side of eternity. We are fallen individuals with a flesh suit. But, we can grow in sanctification. We can call on the Holy Spirit to change us, our desires, and repent when we’re wrong. We will do and say wrong things; it’s inevitable. But maybe if we want to truly win souls for Jesus, we have to allow others to encounter His transforming grace through us.
If we just tell people how wrong and sinful they are; they will never feel or encounter the love of Christ. And to be honest, His love is THE THING that draws us to Him and changes us. Every person I’ve ever ministered to or led to Christ started with the love of God and how amazing He is. Their hearts were open to truth after that because they realized God’s truth is for our prospering.
I’m personally convicted to not be the person that ONLY gives grace and love or ONLY gives truth; but to speak and demonstrate both.